
In a harrowing tale of survival against the raging inferno of California wildfires, residents of the Terraces at Park Marino faced the ultimate test of resilience. As flames engulfed their hillside community, the residents, staff, and first responders worked together in a desperate race against time, escaping the inferno and showcasing the power of community spirit in times of crisis. This dramatic account shares stories of miraculous escapes, selfless acts of bravery, and unwavering determination.

A Nightmarish Descent into Chaos

The evening began like any other at the Terraces, a vibrant senior living community nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains. But as the sun dipped below the horizon, an ominous smell of smoke filled the air, signaling an impending catastrophe. A fire was raging in the nearby hills, fanned by powerful Santa Ana winds. At first, residents brushed off the concern. However, a sudden power outage plunged them into darkness and triggered an immediate escalation.

Embers Fall Like Hail

Suddenly, embers rained down "like hail," igniting bushes and fences surrounding the building. Panic spread through the facility as the flames began to rapidly approach the Terraces. Residents, many with walkers or in wheelchairs, began the terrifying process of evacuation.

Courage in the Face of Fire

The residents' harrowing journey to safety became a race against the relentless wildfire. Staff members, exhibiting exceptional courage, helped evacuate all 93 residents using a variety of methods - stair chairs, wheelchairs, and even carrying them on their backs, in a harrowing act of compassion and selfless service. As the dining room caught fire, staff members made multiple trips to save residents in the Safe Haven wing, four of whom were in hospice care.

A Community United in the Face of Crisis

The chaotic scene outside the facility mirrored the scenes taking place throughout California. Neighbors from a skilled nursing facility, Pasadena Park Healthcare & Wellness Center, aided in evacuation efforts, bringing their own residents to safety and extending compassion to residents of the Terraces. In the midst of this chaos, strangers emerged as heroes, such as the man who miraculously rescued resident Sharon Tanner.

The Long Walk to Safety

The 800-foot journey to safety was the most harrowing part of the ordeal, one resident describing it as "the longest, scariest walk of my life." With the wind fiercely blowing, forcing those in charge to zig-zag as though they were sailors navigating a treacherous gale, one by one, the residents reached the relative safety of the nearby 7-Eleven, aided by countless acts of random kindness that proved invaluable during such an ordeal.

Escaping the Fire and Making it to the 7-Eleven

From there, evacuees were loaded onto transport vehicles, including an ambulance for Tanner and others that needed medical care, transported to safety, away from the destructive wildfire. When all the residents and staff were accounted for, one staff member bravely went back to collect his cat and ashes of his late wife and return to aid in caring for his charges, a clear reflection of the staff's profound compassion and dedication.

The Aftermath

The fire completely destroyed the Terraces at Park Marino. In the end, everyone escaped with their lives, due to the exceptional heroism and coordinated efforts of the community, a testament to the indomitable human spirit. While the material possessions of many residents, including cherished mementos such as the hand-crafted sculptures made by one resident's mother, were lost forever in the blaze, the Terraces staff immediately began securing alternative accommodations for residents and worked tirelessly to relocate them to comfortable places in preparation of the rebuilding of their home. One resident's son had the perfect words: "It was like a hurricane with flames, and they did amazing work for the very short notice that they had." Even with the tragic loss of their residence, their collective experience created an enduring bond.

Rebuilding Lives and Communities

Despite the extensive loss and trauma experienced during the fire, there is hope and determination amongst those involved and those associated with Terraces' residents and staff. The fire has left many residents with nothing, but there has been an outpouring of community support, signifying that people have each other's backs in times of immense distress and calamity. A profound display of compassion and kindness from staff has not been unnoticed and demonstrates that compassion and determination remains strong.

Take Away Points:

  • The California wildfires showcased incredible stories of courage, resilience, and community support.
  • First responders, healthcare workers, and ordinary people performed heroic acts to save lives.
  • The devastating event emphasized the urgent need for stronger disaster preparedness and improved emergency response systems.
  • Even in the face of unimaginable loss, hope and community rebuilding remain at the forefront.