In celebration of Republic Day, the cinematic creation named “Fighter,” crafted under the guidance of Siddharth Anand, has graced the silver screens. Stepping into the spotlight are the illustrious Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, assuming the mantle of lead characters within this opus. The populace, ensnared by the tantalizing glimpses offered in the trailer, had eagerly anticipated the unveiling of “Fighter.” However, alas, the film’s manifestation failed to ascend to the zenith of anticipation, as discerned from its box office reception.
Elucidating on the essence of “Fighter,” Siddharth elucidated that the crux lay in its aerial choreography—a facet shrouded in obscurity for many. He expounded further, delineating the unprecedented nature of the film’s genre, asserting it to be a quantum leap in cinematic endeavor, bereft of any precedents to guide the audience’s expectations. He postulated, “What are these planes endeavoring to convey?” highlighting the enigmatic allure of the airborne spectacles.
Moreover, Siddharth underscored a sobering statistic: approximately 90 percent of the denizens of our nation lack the privilege of experiencing air travel firsthand, thereby fostering a palpable disconnect with the aerial dynamics depicted on screen, particularly during the film’s high-flying action sequences.