In the realm of cinematic prowess, the Malayalam luminary Mammootty persists as the reigning force at the ticket counters, courtesy of his recent venture into the realm of spine-chilling narratives, Bramayugam. Demonstrating commendable traction after a formidable commencement, the film steadily advances towards the illustrious Rs 10 crore milestone. Notably, on its third day in theaters, Bramayugam experienced a notable surge of over 40% in its domestic box office figures.
As per insights from the industry-tracking entity Sacnilk, Bramayugam amassed a substantial sum of Rs 3.45 crore on the eventful Saturday, thereby elevating its cumulative earnings in the Indian subcontinent to an impressive Rs 9 crore. The cinematic odyssey initiated with a resounding impact, amassing Rs 3.1 crore on its inaugural day. Despite a marginal decline of 20 percent on the subsequent day, culminating in a yield of Rs 2.45 crore, Saturday emerged as a pivotal juncture, instilling optimistic projections for a robust Sunday exhibition.