
Renowned Tamil thespian, Vijay, embarked on a journey to the scenic realm of Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala, where he is engrossed in a brief stint for the filming of his forthcoming magnum opus, The Greatest of All Time, fondly known as GOAT. Currently, the cameras are rolling at the verdant confines of the Greenfield Stadium. Since his arrival in the lush environs of Kerala, the luminary has been enveloped by an avalanche of adoration from his ardent admirers, marking his return to the state after a hiatus of a decade. Eager throngs of fans, brimming with anticipation, have congregated in the quaint streets of their hometown, fervently yearning for a fleeting glimpse of their beloved luminary.

Upon being apprised of the nocturnal vigil maintained by his ardent devotees at the filming locale, Vijay graciously halted his cinematic endeavors to engage with them. Employing endearing gestures of sign language, the luminary implored his fervent admirers to adjourn homeward and indulge in much-needed repose.

A plethora of photographs and video snippets featuring Vijay, which have since gone viral across various social media platforms, document the luminary’s convivial interactions with his fervent followers in the verdant embrace of Kerala. A poignant visual montage captures Vijay extending a warm reception to a physically challenged aficionado at his lodgings, commemorating the poignant encounter with a special photographic memento alongside the devotee and their kinfolk. The ambiance surrounding the filming of GOAT in Kerala has transmuted into a jubilant spectacle, resonant with the harmonious cadence of drums, the fragrant allure of blossoms, and an air of exuberant celebration.

It is worth noting that a majestic cricketing tableau is presently being immortalized on celluloid at the venerable Greenfield Stadium in Thiruvananthapuram, courtesy of Venkat Prabhu’s latest directorial venture. Vijay is poised to conclude his cinematic endeavors in Kerala within the ensuing days, a development that is anticipated to precipitate an even more monumental turnout of aficionados at the cinematic crucible.