The upcoming Lok Sabha elections have prompted political parties in New Delhi to establish Social Media ‘War Rooms’ to enhance candidates’ images and challenge their opponents in order to attract voters. Rajesh Garg, chairman of the Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee’s social media wing, announced that the Congress party has already set up a social media war room for the elections, with workers dedicated to working around the clock.
Garg highlighted that the party’s team of 30-35 individuals, including legal experts, carefully reviews and clears social media messages before they are posted to ensure compliance with the model code of conduct (MCC) and avoid violations.
Social media has become a critical platform for shaping or damaging reputations quickly. Political parties at both national and state levels rely heavily on social media to engage with voters and influence their opinions.
Rohit Upadhyay, BJP Delhi unit’s Social Media In-Charge, revealed that their social media approach includes ground-level teams capturing real-time images, videos, and public reactions, which are then shared on various platforms. The BJP’s campaigns focus on highlighting achievements and combating fake news while also exposing opposition work.
However, there have been controversies, such as the objectionable post on BJP Lok Sabha candidate Kangana Ranaut and another incident involving a post about BJP candidate Rekha Patra from West Bengal.
Rajiv Kumar, Chief Election Commissioner, has emphasized the need to combat fake news and encourage responsible social media usage. The Election Commission’s campaigns, such as ‘Turning 18’ and ‘You are the One,’ are designed to engage citizens and counter misinformation.
These efforts showcase the Election Commission’s commitment to ensuring inclusive and participative elections, urging citizens to verify information before sharing it and promoting a conscious approach to social media.