Amidst the urban sprawl of New Delhi, the Northern Railway has achieved an unprecedented feat, garnering a staggering revenue of Rs 603.79 crore through the sale of discarded materials such as rail sections, sleepers, and tie bars adjacent to its railway tracks.
“In the realm of scrap transactions, Northern Railway has etched its name in the annals of achievement, ascending to the zenith as the foremost purveyor of scrap materials amongst all zonal railways and Production Units of the Indian Railway. The fiscal year of 2023-24 bore witness to the disposal of scrap commodities valued at Rs 603.79 crore, a sum that surpasses the predetermined annual target of Rs 500 crore,” remarked Shobhan Chaudhuri, the erudite General Manager of Northern Railway.
Not content with mere accolades, Northern Railway has transcended conventional boundaries, being the vanguard in attaining milestones of Rs 100 crore, 200 crore, 300 crore, and 400 crore in scrap transactions during the ongoing financial year, elucidated the Railways through a communication. Beyond the pecuniary gains, this endeavor aids in preserving the sanctity of operational premises, mitigating the potential hazards posed by the presence of discarded rail components like pieces, sleepers, and tie bars in proximity to the railway lines.
Undertaking the arduous task with unwavering resolve, the railway embarked on a mission to dismantle derelict structures such as staff quarters, cabins, sheds, and water tanks, thereby not only augmenting revenue streams but also reclaiming precious space for judicious utilization, thus preempting any untoward exploitation of aging infrastructure by malevolent entities. The expeditious disposal of these relics has been a paramount concern, meticulously overseen at the highest echelons of governance.
Furthering its commitment towards efficiency, Northern Railway has initiated the disposal of accumulated Prestressed Concrete (PSC) sleepers, liberating substantial areas for operational endeavors while concurrently bolstering revenue streams. With a fervent resolve to purge the system of superfluous detritus, the railway is steadfast in its pursuit of attaining a status of zero scrap, aiming to set an unprecedented benchmark in scrap transactions during the ongoing financial year, articulated Deepak Kumar, the sagacious Chief Public Relations Officer.