Amidst the bustling streets of New Delhi, Sunita Kejriwal, the spouse of Arvind Kejriwal, the esteemed Chief Minister of Delhi, took to the digital realm on a recent Friday. Her objective: to launch a fervent campaign via the ubiquitous messaging platform WhatsApp. The essence of her plea? To garner support for her husband, currently ensnared within the clutches of the Enforcement Directorate (ED), embroiled in a complex legal entanglement revolving around money-laundering allegations intricately intertwined with the erstwhile excise policy.
During a virtual rendezvous with the media, Mrs. Kejriwal articulated her sentiments with unwavering determination. She portrayed her husband’s plight as a valiant struggle against the nefarious machinations of what she deemed “the most corrupt and authoritarian elements” prevalent within the nation’s fabric. Through a compelling appeal to the masses, she implored individuals to rally behind Mr. Kejriwal, extending their well wishes and fervent prayers as he navigates this tumultuous ordeal.
Facilitating this communication endeavor, Mrs. Kejriwal proffered a designated WhatsApp contact number – 8297324624. This conduit, she affirmed, would serve as a conduit for the transmission of blessings, prayers, or any other expressions of support intended for the esteemed leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Emphasizing her role as an intermediary, she pledged to diligently relay these messages to her beleaguered spouse.
Mr. Kejriwal’s predicament stems from his apprehension by the Enforcement Directorate on the 21st of March, embroiled in a legal morass stemming from alleged transgressions relating to the now-defunct excise policy governing the capital city of Delhi. A judicial pronouncement on Thursday decreed an extension of his custodial tenure under the auspices of the ED, with his confinement slated to persist until the dawn of April 1st.