In the urban expanse of Bengaluru, Karnataka, the Chairman of the Karnataka Water Supply and Drainage Board, Dr. Ram Prasat Manohar, articulated the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and contemporary methodologies to avert the desiccation of borewells.
During an examination on Monday, the preliminary operation of a borewell outfitted with AI and Internet of Things (IoT) technology was scrutinized at Chinnappa Garden. Dr. Ram Prasat Manohar expounded, “The urban terrain harbors in excess of 14,000 borewells. A multitude of these have succumbed to desiccation owing to a lack of upkeep. It is imperative to operationalize the pump sets of borewells with greater frequency. A plethora of borewells are subjected to repair as the motor is engaged without discerning the absence of water. To obviate the recurrence of technical predicaments concerning borewells, the evaluative process of borewells equipped with contemporary AI and IoT technology is paramount.”
“The embracement of novel technology renders feasible the efficient and methodical management of borewells, thus circumventing their unwarranted utilization. By abstaining from the deployment of borewells during periods of well-dryness, the dormancy of borewells can be mitigated,” supplemented the Chairman of the Karnataka Water Supply and Drainage Board.
“Sustainability and technicality should underscore the utilization of borewells. Moreover, the incidence of recurrent motor malfunctions and ancillary technical quandaries necessitate mitigation. The implementation of these measures holds promise in curbing maintenance expenditures,” he appended. Bengaluru confronts an acute dearth of water.