
In an unexpected turn of events in Aligarh, chaos erupted in Gangiri on Saturday, March 30, following a disturbing incident caught on video. Reports suggest that two intoxicated brothers ruthlessly attacked a monk.

Rajesh and his brother Gabis were apprehended by the police based on CCTV footage obtained from a nearby petrol pump. The video, widely circulated, depicts the monk standing at the gas pump moments before the assault.

The attack unfolds abruptly as Rajesh lunges at the monk from behind, knocking him to the ground. Subsequently, he proceeds to pummel the monk while dragging him by the leg. Gabis joins in, striking the monk with a stick. The assailants flee the scene shortly after, leaving the petrol pump attendants to aid the injured monk.

According to the monk’s account to the attendants, the brothers flew into a rage and attacked him after he disrupted their drunken revelry. The attendants informed the monk that the assailants were residents of a nearby village.

Following the assault, the monk promptly reported the incident to the local authorities. Responding to the complaint, the police detained the accused.

Akmal Khan, the officer in charge of the Atrauli area, confirmed that a case has been registered on behalf of the victim at the Gangiri police station. “Both suspects are now in custody,” he assured.