In the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, the renowned radio luminary and the distinctive voice behind the ‘Binaca Geetmala’ on Radio Ceylon and Vividh Bharti, Ameen Sayani, breathed his last at the venerable age of 91, as conveyed by his son Rajil Sayani on Wednesday. Rajil imparted the unfortunate news that Sayani succumbed to a cardiac episode on the preceding night and was promptly conveyed to a medical facility in South Mumbai, albeit regrettably, his life could not be salvaged.
In a communique on the matter, Rajil expressed that Ameen Sayani departed from this world last night due to a heart attack at H N Reliance Hospital. He elucidated that Ameen was expeditiously admitted to the hospital around 6:00 pm the prior evening following complaints of chest discomfort. Despite the medical team’s concerted efforts to resuscitate him, Ameen breathed his last around 7:00 pm, Rajil revealed. The final rites are scheduled for Thursday, and the family will be issuing a statement in this regard.
Storied Radio Career: Ameen Sayani, the maestro behind the iconic salutation ‘Namaste behno aur bhaiyon, main aapka dost Ameen Sayani bol raha hoon’ on Radio Ceylon, a phrase that continues to stir poignant nostalgia among listeners, came into the world in Mumbai to a multilingual family on December 21, 1932.
Ameen, endowed with a proclivity for creativity from his formative years, commenced writing for his mother’s biweekly journal ‘Rehbar’ at the tender age of 13. Simultaneously, he honed his skills as an adept broadcaster in English, actively participating in juvenile programs on the English service of All India Radio Bombay.
However, Sayani encountered disillusionment when his endeavor to present in Hindustani was rebuffed during an audition due to a faint Gujarati inflection in his voice. His fortune took a turn when B V Keskar, the then Minister for Information and Broadcasting, imposed a ban on Hindi songs on AIR, leading to the ascent of Radio Ceylon.
Geetmala Acclaim: Sayani seized the opportunity to helm ‘Binaca Geetmala’ on Radio Ceylon in December 1952, marking the inception of an enduring legacy. The show, synonymous with Sayani, captivated audiences for an impressive 42 years from 1952 to 1994. Even in the early 2000s, with variations in nomenclature, it continued to enchant listeners.