In the ongoing legal scrutiny orchestrated by the Enforcement Directorate (ED), Delhi Chief Executive Arvind Kejriwal finds himself summoned for the fourth consecutive occasion. The aforementioned summons mandate his presence before the investigative body on the 18th day of January. This development transpires subsequent to Mr. Kejriwal’s absence during the questioning session scheduled on the 3rd day of January, an absence predicated on his contention that the ED’s summonses lack legal validity and are imbued with the sole intention of effecting his arrest.
In previous instances, Mr. Kejriwal has pointed to the impending Rajya Sabha elections, the grandeur of Republic Day celebrations, and the Enforcement Directorate’s policy of ‘non-disclosure’ and ‘non-response’ as justifications for his non-compliance with the summons for interrogation.
Expressing his stance in a missive addressed to the ED assistant director, Kejriwal conveyed that the Election Commission of India had opted to conduct Rajya Sabha elections within the precincts of the National Capital Territory of Delhi. The initiation of nominations occurred on Wednesday, with the voting slated to commence on January 19, as outlined by him.
Highlighting that the National Capital Territory of Delhi holds three Rajya Sabha seats, and the current officeholders’ tenures concluding on January 27, Kejriwal, in his capacity as the national convener of the Aam Aadmi Party, asserted his engagement in electioneering activities as the primary cause for his unavailability.
This marked the third instance wherein he challenged the legality of the summonses via written correspondence, using it as a basis to evade the interrogative process. Kejriwal expressed his disquiet over the lack of responses to the two prior letters dispatched to the investigative agency.
Chief Minister Kejriwal, also presiding as the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) president, had previously opted out of appearing before the investigative agency on both November 2 and December 21.
In the month of April, the AAP leader underwent questioning by the Central Bureau of Investigation concerning the matter, yet emerged unscathed without facing any charges.
Since the initial summoning by the Enforcement Directorate, widespread conjecture has arisen, suggesting the potential detention of the Delhi chief minister post-interrogation. Various AAP leaders have contributed remarks aligning with this apprehension.
In a separate development, the erstwhile Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi, Mr. Manish Sisodia, faced detainment in February in connection with the same matter, while AAP’s Rajya Sabha MP, Mr. Sanjay Singh, encountered arrest in October.