In the wake of the inaugural phase of the Lok Sabha election, the ruling BJP stands resolute in its anticipation of a sweeping victory across all five Assam constituencies that were recently put to the electoral test. Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma, the Chief Minister of Assam and a pivotal figure in the party’s campaigning efforts, confidently asserts that the BJP is poised to secure all five seats where electoral verdicts were sealed during the initial phase of the Lok Sabha elections. This resolute claim by the Chief Minister serves as a testament to his unwavering belief in the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Taking to social media platforms, Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma has offered his insights regarding the BJP’s projected performance in the wake of the first phase of polling, which concluded on Friday. Delving into the voter turnout data, he boldly predicts that the results in all five constituencies will strongly favor the BJP, citing it as a resounding endorsement of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his governmental endeavors.
Expressing his perspective, the Chief Minister conveyed, “The preliminary assessments from the initial phase of voting in Assam are nothing short of extraordinary. The resounding endorsement of the Honorable Narendra Modi Ji has solidified 5 out of 5 seats. The surging momentum for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) far exceeds our initial estimations. We are poised to continue this momentum and secure all 5 seats in the upcoming Phase 2.”
The Chief Minister highlights that the BJP received an unexpected surge in votes during the initial phase of polling. His confidence remains unwavering as he asserts the BJP’s capability to clinch all five Assam seats during the second phase of polling on April 26.
Following the conclusion of the initial polling phase, the Chief Minister’s agenda includes engagements in the Barak Valley on Saturday, April 20. He is slated to participate in election rallies in Silchar and Karimganj within the Barak Valley.
In parallel, Assam witnessed a commendable 75.95% voter turnout across the state during the initial phase of voting for the 2024 Lok Sabha election on Friday. The specific voter turnout for each of the five constituencies stands as follows: Kaziranga at 75.79%, Sonitpur at 74.81%, Jorhat at 79.48%, Dibrugarh at 75.74%, and Lakhimpur at 72.75%.