As Bengaluru continues to grapple with an ongoing water crisis, residents now find themselves contending with a scarcity of banana leaves due to many eateries and establishments opting for them over metal dishes. This surge in demand for banana leaves has consequently triggered a sharp spike in their cost.
The pricing of banana leaves, once priced as low as Rs 3, has now climbed to Rs 13 according to reports from local sources.
Amidst the city’s water shortage, the cost of water tankers has soared, prompting people to seek alternatives such as disposable plates and cups. Concurrently, the demand for banana leaves as an alternative dining method continues to grow, presenting a shift towards using them as impromptu dishes. Moreover, the reduction in supply is causing alarm.
High demand for banana leaves can be observed in areas like Malleswaram, KR Market, and Chamarajpet, where eateries and smaller food joints have transitioned to utilizing banana leaves. A city official noted that sales of banana leaves and disposable tableware have surged by over 40% during Bengaluru’s water crisis.
Banana leaves are being sourced from various districts across the state and neighboring states, with primary supplies arriving from Chamarajanagar, Mysore, Tamil Nadu, Indupur, and Kadapa. However, traders reveal that the available supply falls short of the current level of demand.
“Earlier, a typical banana leaf cost Rs 3, Rs 6 for medium, and Rs 8 to 10 for larger leaves, with prices varying depending on size. Yet, since the previous month, we’ve been selling each leaf for Rs 9 to 13,” remarked Sunil, a banana leaf vendor in Malleswaram.