In an intriguing turn of events, Uddhav Thackeray, the chief of the United Bharatiya Thackeray (UBT) faction of Shiv Sena, issued a bold challenge to Maharashtra’s Chief Minister, Eknath Shinde, and Assembly Speaker, Rahul Narwekar. Thackeray urged them to engage in a public debate to determine the authentic representation of the “true Shiv Sena.” This development unfolded just one day after the Thackeray-led Sena group took their case to the Supreme Court, contesting Narwekar’s proclamation that Shinde’s faction held the genuine claim to the title of the “real Shiv Sena.”
Speaking at a press conference in Mumbai, Thackeray asserted, “We have brought the matter before the Supreme Court, challenging the verdict delivered by those individuals of questionable integrity. I extend an invitation to Rahul Narvekar and (Eknath) Shinde to stand before the public and elucidate their stance on the genuine Shiv Sena. If I weren’t the Shiv Sena chief, why did the BJP seek my endorsement for support in 2014 and 2019 post-Lok Sabha elections?”
On the flip side, Maharashtra’s Speaker Narwekar, while criticizing this move, defended his decision by aligning it with guidelines set forth by the Supreme Court.
“On the 10th of January, I carefully reviewed the judgment regarding the disqualification of MLAs. Over the past six days, certain political leaders and workers have been disseminating misinformation about my ruling. Shiv Sena (UBT) has resorted to using disparaging language against me, displaying a blatant disregard for the office of the Assembly Speaker. This poses a significant threat to the democratic framework,” remarked Narwekar, as quoted by news agency ANI.
He continued, stating, “The Supreme Court never asserted that the appointment of Bharat Gogawale as the whip of the Shinde faction was erroneous. Instead, the Supreme Court emphasized the imperative for the Speaker to recognize the authentic Shiv Sena. Faced with claims from both sides, I delivered my judgment in accordance with the directives of the Supreme Court.”
Accusing CM Shinde of “unconstitutionally seizing power,” the Shiv Sena (UBT) faction took their grievances to the apex court following the Speaker’s ruling on Monday.
“The equilibrium of convenience aligns with the petitioner and against the respondents. Eknath Shinde has illegitimately assumed power, presiding over an unconstitutional government in Maharashtra. This situation is egregiously prejudicial and inflicts irreparable harm and injury upon the petitioner, as well as the general public,” their plea emphasized, as reported by news agency PTI.