In Bengaluru, three individuals reportedly faced aggression for expressing “Jai Shri Ram” slogans during Rama Navami festivities, police confirmed on Thursday. Authorities detained two men and took two minors into custody in relation to the Wednesday occurrence in Chikkabettahalli. The accused are all inhabitants of MS Palya, the police stated.
Union Minister Shobha Karandlaje, vying for the Bangalore North Lok Sabha seat, visited the victims at their residence on Wednesday evening, denouncing the incident.
As per police accounts, the incident transpired when Pavan Kumar, Rahul, and Binayak, residing in Sanjeevininagar, were en route to MS Palya in a car to inspect a pre-owned two-wheeler. Displaying a saffron banner and chanting “Jai Shri Ram,” they caught the attention of Farman and Sameer, who halted them on a bike. Farman began questioning their chant, insisting they should only say “Allahu Akbar.”
Farman attempted to seize the flag, prompting the victims to pursue him while Sameer fled on the bike. They eventually returned to their vehicle, but the accused, accompanied by the two minors, soon came back and attacked Pavan Kumar, Rahul, and Binayak before departing, a high-ranking police officer reported.
“Once our police team arrived on scene, the victims were escorted to the station and the injured taken to a hospital for medical care,” the officer added. Rahul sustained a head injury from a stick, while Binayak suffered a fractured nose, the officer noted.
Following a complaint from Pavan, Vidyaranyapura police filed a case under several IPC sections, including 295A (deliberate and malicious actions to incite religious sentiments), 298 (malicious speech or actions intended to hurt religious emotions), 143 (unlawful gathering), 147 (rioting penalty), 504 (intentional provocation leading to peace disturbance), 324 (causing harm with dangerous means), 326 (inflicting severe injuries), 506 (criminal intimidation punishment), and 149 (all unlawful assembly members accountable for the crime committed), police affirmed.