In Bengaluru, the local authorities detained a culinary courier working for an internet-based establishment on allegations of committing a lewd act towards a female resident in AECS Layout near Brookefield on the 17th of March.
Reportedly, the occurrence unfolded during the delivery process when the suspect, having been offered refreshment, imbibed water and then left. Subsequently, he made a second appearance, this time requesting access to the lavatory facilities.
Following this, he once again solicited a drink. Seizing an opportune moment as the lady ventured to procure a receptacle for the liquid, he trailed her to the kitchen. Upon receipt of the glass, he abruptly grasped her appendage. Upon the woman vocalizing her dismay, the perpetrator proceeded to pinch her cheek before absconding.
Promptly, the lady lodged a formal grievance at the HAL police precinct against the alleged perpetrator. Acting upon her complaint, the HAL Police instituted proceedings and launched an inquiry. Surveillance cameras stationed in the vicinity documented the suspect’s ingress and egress from the premises. Scrutinizing the footage, law enforcement subsequently apprehended the accused.
The individual in question has been identified as Akash, hailing from Chincholi in Kalaburagi. He was residing in rented accommodations in Kundalahalli.
“A thorough interrogation of the suspect is currently underway, and appropriate measures will be undertaken in accordance with the legal framework,” stated an official from the HAL police precinct.