In Chandigarh, the illustrious Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann joyously brought forth his newly arrived baby daughter to their abode, endowing her with the name Niyamat Kaur Mann. Accompanied by his consort Gurpreet Kaur, who had been released from a private medical facility in Mohali subsequent to the birth of their daughter the preceding day, Mann engaged with the press congregated outside his domicile.
Mann expressed, “Irrespective of gender, it is paramount to beseech the divine for the bestowal of a robust progeny, one deserving of equitable nurturing. I rendezvoused with my progeny during the nocturnal hours, mindful of the potential disruption it could cause to the infirm within the hospital, owing to security protocols.”
Disseminating the news via X (previously denoted as Twitter) on the preceding day, Mann remarked, “The divine has graced me with a daughter, a precious boon. Both mother and progeny are hale and hearty.” In a subsequent communication, the Chief Executive shared a visual depiction of his nascent daughter.
His counterpart from Delhi and party principal, Arvind Kejriwal, who had been detained by the Enforcement Directorate earlier in the current month, extended felicitations to Mann as he exited the tribunal in Delhi on the aforementioned day. “Heartfelt felicitations to Punjab’s Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on the blessed occasion of fathering a daughter,” articulated Kejriwal as he departed from Delhi’s Rouse Avenue Court.
Mann entered matrimony with Kaur in the year 2022 following his estrangement from his former spouse in 2015. From his inaugural marital union, he sired two offspring, a son and a daughter. Two years subsequent to his separation, he entered wedlock with Gurpreet Kaur. Bhagwant Mann presides as the 17th Chief Minister of Punjab, assuming office in 2022.