Amidst the sprawling expanse of Manila Bay in the Philippines, the Indian Coast Guard’s vessel, Samudra Paheredar, a highly specialized Pollution Control Vessel, has anchored its presence. Officials confirmed this maritime endeavor on Tuesday. This vessel stands fortified with avant-garde marine pollution control apparatus alongside a Chetak Helicopter configured for pollution response operations. These assets are meticulously designed to confine, retrieve, and fortify against oil spills, thereby elevating operational efficiency.
Venturing into Manila Bay on the 25th of March, the ICG ship embarks on a succinct three-day rendezvous. According to a statement from the Defence Ministry, the strategic arrival of this specialized Pollution Control Vessel aligns with a broader strategic initiative. This initiative aims to showcase the Indian Coast Guard’s adeptness in marine pollution response, simultaneously fostering a shared resolve among ASEAN nations concerning marine environmental challenges. Additionally, this endeavor seeks to strengthen bilateral ties with the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG).
The expedition charts a course towards ASEAN countries, including the Philippines, Vietnam, and Brunei, spanning from March 25th to April 12th. Notably, this marks the third consecutive deployment of the Indian Coast Guard to ASEAN nations. In the preceding year of 2023, ICG Pollution Control Vessels graced the shores of Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia, signaling a continuous commitment to the cause.
En route, the vessel plans port calls in Manila (Philippines), Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam), and Muara (Brunei). These port visits will feature comprehensive pollution response drills and live demonstrations of cutting-edge equipment.
Moreover, the vessel extends its hospitality to 25 cadets from the National Cadet Corps (NCC) as part of the Indian government’s ‘Puneet Sagar Abhiyan’. This initiative seeks to impart an international dimension to environmental conservation efforts, fostering collaboration with partner nations.
In a collaborative exchange program, NCC cadets, alongside ICG crew members, partner agencies, and local youth organizations, are slated to partake in beach cleanup drives and analogous endeavors during the ship’s port calls.
This diplomatic voyage assumes paramount significance in fortifying bilateral relations with key maritime stakeholders, including the Philippine Coast Guard, Vietnam Coast Guard, and Brunei Maritime agencies. Notably, ICG has inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Coast Guards of the Philippines and Vietnam, underscoring a commitment towards enhanced maritime cooperation and safety.
These enduring partnerships have metamorphosed over time to encompass a spectrum of maritime safety, security, and environmental stewardship. The itinerary for this diplomatic mission encompasses a gamut of professional exchanges, joint exercises, and capacity-building endeavors.
Stationed along the eastern seaboard of India in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, ICGS Samudra Paheredar operates under the astute command of Deputy Inspector General Sudhir Ravindran. Over the years, this stalwart vessel has spearheaded myriad Coast Guard operations, spanning pollution response, maritime surveillance, counter-transnational crimes, and search and rescue missions, thereby epitomizing unwavering commitment to maritime safety and security.