Amidst the bustling corridors of the Delhi Assembly, AAP legislators vociferously accused the BJP of orchestrating maneuvers to subject the national capital to the President’s Rule following the arrest of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. Madan Lal, the zealous AAP MLA representing Kasturba Nagar, passionately argued against what he termed as “unconstitutional machinations” by the BJP, alleging their relentless pursuit to coerce Kejriwal into resigning post-arrest.
“In Delhi, an ambiance akin to emergency has been contrived, where the L-G (VK Saxena) brazenly proclaims his intent to curtail Kejriwal’s governance even from the confines of a prison cell,” he exclaimed. AAP legislators emphatically insisted that no legal statute prohibits the incumbent chief minister from governing whilst under incarceration.
Kejriwal’s apprehension, stemming from allegations of financial malfeasance entwined with the erstwhile excise policy of his administration, orchestrated by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on March 21, has resulted in his judicial custody till April 15. Lal, unwavering in his stance, decried the proliferation of speculations regarding the imposition of President’s Rule as a calculated tactic to intimidate the AAP.
Echoing Lal’s sentiments, BS Joon, another fervent AAP MLA, denounced the panic-mongering tactics employed by certain factions, purporting the imminent dissolution of the Delhi Assembly. He vehemently asserted that there exists no constitutional quagmire within Delhi’s political landscape, citing the unequivocal dismissal of PILs seeking the removal of the chief minister by the Delhi High Court.
Akhilesh Pati Tripathi, the resolute AAP MLA from Model Town, adamantly proclaimed Kejriwal’s arrest as an orchestrated sham, vowing steadfast resistance against the BJP’s coercive stratagems, and reaffirming Kejriwal’s unyielding tenure as the chief executive.