In the region of Poonch, Jammu and Kashmir, the military reported an incident on Friday involving the interception of a drone originating from Pakistan along the Line of Control in the Baloni area of the KG Sector in Mankote. According to local sources, the Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) was compelled to retreat to the Pakistani side after the army fired at it. Defence sources, quoting local inputs, mentioned that around 0710 hours, soldiers stationed in the sector observed a Pakistani drone in proximity to one of the army posts in the Mankote Mendhar area.
Upon detecting the suspicious drone, the Army took action by firing several rounds, compelling the drone to retreat. This remains a developing story, and further details are anticipated. It’s worth noting that a similar incident involving a Pakistani drone along the Line of Control in Poonch district was reported last week.
Recalling the previous incident, the Pakistani drone was sighted flying near the Line of Control in the Mendhar area of Poonch district. Army sources reported that the drone’s movement was detected in the Nar Mankote area of Mendhar on Sunday, February 11. Following the alert from the troops, at least three rounds were fired to bring down the enemy drone.
Confronted by the firing from our troops, the Unmanned Air Vehicle swiftly returned to the Pakistani side, briefly hovering over Indian territory. Subsequently, a comprehensive search operation was initiated in the Line of Control area. In response to the growing threat of drones facilitating the smuggling of weapons and drugs, the Jammu and Kashmir police have recently announced a cash reward of Rs 3 lakh for locals providing information about drones crossing the border for illicit activities, leading to the recovery of such materials.