Amidst the urban landscape of Kolkata, an abode of tranquility, coined as a ‘peace domicile,’ has unfurled its doors within the precincts of Raj Bhavan. This sanctuary, inaugurated this Monday, aims to extend ephemeral refuge to the indigenous women of Sandeshkhali in the North 24 Parganas district, purportedly ensnared in the clutches of sexual violence and harassment.
The Raj Bhavan authorities delineate that women residing in Sandeshkhali, gripped by a palpable sense of insecurity and apprehension of reprisals from the close confidantes of two apprehended local Trinamool Congress figures—Uttam Sardar and Shibu Hazra—can seek solace within the confines of the peace domicile until normalcy pervades the tumultuous milieu.
Temporarily, three meticulously furnished chambers within the Raj Bhavan precincts have been designated as quarters for the peace domicile. Insider sources intimate that the genesis of this haven can be traced back to Governor C.V. Anand Bose, stirred into action subsequent to his recent foray into the heart of Sandeshkhali.
Accounts suggest that local women in the area divulged their profound insecurities to the Governor, expounding on the persistent trepidation of imminent assaults persisting even after the Governor’s departure. Upon his return from Sandeshkhali, Governor Bose issued directives to the Raj Bhavan maintenance cadre, urging the preparation of a haven for distressed women—a peace domicile, intended as a provisional sanctuary for the beleaguered women of Sandeshkhali.