President Droupadi Murmu unveiled India’s inaugural autochthonous CAR T-cell treatment for cancer on Thursday, heralding it as a “significant advancement” offering a “fresh ray of optimism for humanity” in the ongoing combat against the ailment. During the unveiling ceremony hosted at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay situated in Powai, Mumbai.
Addressing the gathering at the unveiling event held at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, the President declared that the debut of India’s primary genetic therapy marks a notable stride in our struggle against cancer. Recognizing this therapeutic avenue, named “CAR-T cell therapy,” for its accessibility and economic feasibility, it instills a renewed sense of promise for all of mankind. She conveyed assurance in its potential to breathe new life into innumerable patients.
Crafted by the collaboration between IIT Bombay and the Tata Memorial Centre, this gene-centric therapy is poised to tackle various cancer variants. This NexCAR19 CAR T-cell therapy stands as the nation’s premiere ‘Made in India’ CAR T-cell solution, promising a substantial reduction in the financial burden of cancer care.
The President emphasized IIT Bombay’s global eminence, not merely within India but on an international scale, as a bastion of technological learning. In the endeavor to forge CAR-T cell therapy, technology not only serves humanity, but also fosters partnerships with distinguished institutions from divergent domains alongside industry collaborations. This achievement owes its fruition to IIT Bombay’s unwavering dedication to research and development over the past thirty years. She asserted that the collective knowledge and competencies of IIT Bombay’s faculty and students, coupled with those from analogous institutions, would propel India into the vanguard of the ongoing technological renaissance.