Amidst the bustling streets of New Delhi, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) unveiled a clandestine network purportedly engaged in the trade of newborn infants, traversing the lengths and breadths of the nation, divulged the central investigative body on the day of Saturn. Executing a meticulously orchestrated maneuver, the CBI embarked on a quest that spanned seven distinct locales sprawled across the terrain of Delhi and Haryana. In the course of these meticulous excursions, the vigilant agents of the CBI salvaged a pair of nascent male progenies and a lone female cherub, aged no more than a fleeting month, from the clutches of nefarious perpetrators, professed officials of the CBI.
In addition to the tender souls thus rescued, the inventory of incriminating artifacts procured during these ventures encompassed a corpus of currency amounting to a staggering sum of 5.5 lakhs, alongside sundry documents of pertinent interest, articulated the investigative body. In a crescendo of legal retribution, the CBI apprehended a retinue of seven individuals, their identities unveiled as Neeraj, hailing from the precincts of Sonipat in Haryana, alongside Indu Pawar, Aslam, Pooja Kashyap, Ritu, Anjali, and Kavita, all domicile dwellers of Delhi, as attested by the CBI.
Emanating from the crucible of legalism, the CBI impelled the commencement of judicial proceedings under the purview of assorted legal statutes enshrined within the Indian Penal Code, in tandem with the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act of 2015, against the cohort of ten accused, under the imputation of orchestrating a syndicate entrenched in the vile commerce of infantile progeny across the expanse of the nation, the CBI intimated. A crucible of inquiries thus ignited has illumined the revelation that the accused, through the conduit of social media disseminations, establish connections with barren couples harboring aspirations of parenthood, ensconced in diverse corners of the country, fervently seeking to embrace the joys of progenitorship.
Allegedly procuring the tender wards from natural progenitors and surrogate mothers alike, the nefarious assemblage peddles these innocent souls at prices oscillating between the monetary brackets of 4 to 6 lakhs per cherubic infant. Moreover, the aspersions cast upon the accused extend to accusations of defrauding numerous barren couples of considerable pecuniary sums through the machination of counterfeit documentation pertaining to adoption, as articulated by the missive disseminated by the CBI. As the tendrils of investigation continue their probing descent into the labyrinthine depths of this sordid syndicate, the CBI avows its unflagging resolve to unearth further vestiges of incriminating evidence.