Prime Minister Narendra Modi countered Mallikarjun Kharge, the Congress president, after the latter raised questions regarding the Kashmir issue during the campaign for the Lok Sabha Polls 2024. “The Congress president finds fault with my addressing the Kashmir issue in other states. Kashmir holds little significance for them,” expressed PM Modi during his electoral discourse at Jalpaiguri’s Dhupguri in West Bengal on Sunday.
Modi remarked, “This reflects the Bengal style, reminiscent of Syama Prasad Mukherjee’s approach. Kashmir belongs to us. Congress would have surrendered long ago. Presently, BJP wields a robust administration. We have nullified Article 370. This is why Congress is lamenting. Yesterday, the Congress President asserted that Modi discusses Kashmir in other states. Kashmir may hold little value for them, but it is paramount for 1.4 billion individuals. Our soldiers have sacrificed their lives for our nation’s well-being. Syama Prasad Mukherjee dedicated himself to Kashmir’s cause, sacrificing his life. Many mothers endured the loss of their children to establish peace there,” articulated Modi.
The Prime Minister commended the decade-long tenure of the BJP government at the Centre. “Over the last 10 years, BJP has delivered on its promises. This stands as our testament. The INDIA alliance trembles in the face of Modi’s assurance. While Modi assures, the INDIA alliance remains clueless about their commitments; they resort to slander. On April 19, cast your vote fearlessly for the lotus symbol,” urged Modi.
The Prime Minister strongly condemned the assault on NIA officers on Saturday, exactly three months after alleged Trinamool Congress henchmen attacked ED officers in Sandeshkhali. “Whenever a Central investigative agency sets foot in Bengal, they face aggression. The entire nation now bears witness to the events in Sandeshkhali,” asserted Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the Dhupguri gathering on Sunday. Without explicitly naming it, the prime minister also censured the assault on the NIA in Bhupatinagar.
Modi emphasized, “The nation has witnessed the anguish endured by mothers and sisters. The situation necessitates judicial intervention in every instance. Shouldn’t the perpetrators of Sandeshkhali face severe repercussions? Shouldn’t they spend their lives behind bars?”
Modi remarked on the significant turnout at the day’s gathering, affirming our collective resolve to realize the vision of a developed India. “I believe we are all integral to India’s development. Previously, access to gas was scarce, rife with challenges. Your blessings have empowered us, and I strive to transform the scenario. Since the return of the BJP government in 2019, we have seen the appointment of a female tribal president, distribution of free ration, provision of toilets for ST and SC families for the first time, as well as the provision of electricity, water, and gas connections. The tribal ministry’s budget has seen a surge,” articulated the PM.
Earlier in the day, prior to his visit to West Bengal, the Prime Minister announced, “This afternoon, I will join the residents of Jalpaiguri to deliver an address. There is tremendous support for @BJP4Bengal. The people of West Bengal yearn for respite from TMC’s corruption and ineffectual governance. Only BJP can realize their aspirations.”
With the ruling TMC in West Bengal fiercely contesting to impede BJP’s advances in the state, the elections have turned into a high-stakes showdown. The Jalpaiguri Lok Sabha constituency will go to the polls in the first phase of elections on April 19.