In a decision emanating from New Delhi, the Central administration has prolonged the enactment of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act of 1958 in eight districts and 21 precincts spread across five districts within Nagaland, designating them as ‘areas of turmoil’ for a span of six months, commencing on April 1 of the current year, unless rescinded sooner.
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) disseminated this edict via an official notification, articulating that the AFSPA will remain operative for the subsequent half-year in Dimapur, Niuland, Chumoukedima, Mon, Kiphire, Noklak, Phek, and Peren districts within Nagaland.
Furthermore, the AFSPA extension encompasses regions within the administrative purview of 21 police stations across five Nagaland districts: six police stations each in Zunheboto and Mokokchung districts; five police stations in Kohima; three police stations in Wokha; and Yanglok police station in Longleng district.
These 21 law enforcement precincts include Khuzama, Kohima North, Kohima South, Zubza, and Kezocha police stations within Kohima district; Mangkolemba, Mokokchung-I, Longtho, Tuli, Longchem, and Anaki ‘C’ police stations within Mokokchung district; Yanglok police station within Longleng district; Bhandari, Champang, and Ralan police stations within Wokha district; and Ghatashi, Pughoboto, Satakha, Suruhuto, Zunheboto, and Aghunato police stations within Zunheboto district.
The territories encompassing Dimapur, Niuland, Chumoukedima, Mon, Kiphire, Noklak, Phek, and Peren districts in Nagaland, in addition to regions within Nagaland under the administrative ambit of i) Khuzama, Kohima North, Kohima South, Zubza, and Kezocha police stations in Kohima District; ii) Mangkolemba, Mokokchung-I, Longtho, Tuli, Longchem, and Anaki ‘C’ police stations in Mokokchung District; iii) Yanglok police station in Longleng District; iv) Bhandari, Champang, and Ralan police stations in Wokha District; and v) Ghatashi, Pughoboto, Satakha, Suruhuto, Zunheboto, and Aghunato police stations in Zunheboto District, are officially designated as ‘areas of turmoil’ under Section 3 of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act of 1958 for a duration of six months, effective April 1, 2023, unless earlier retracted,” as declared in the notification.
This action by the Central authority transpired subsequent to an in-depth reassessment of the law and order scenario prevailing within the Nagaland state. Previously, the Central Government, exercising its authority under Section 3 of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act of 1958 (28 of 1958), had designated eight districts and 21 Police Stations across five other districts within the Nagaland state as ‘areas of turmoil’ for a period of six months, effective from October 1, 2023.
The AFSPA confers authority upon security forces to apprehend individuals sans a warrant, conduct premises entry or search sans a warrant, among other prerogatives.