In the heart of New Delhi, the leaders of the Aam Aadmi Party are poised to embark on a fasting dharna at Jantar Mantar come April 7, in vehement objection to the detention of Delhi’s Chief Executive, Arvind Kejriwal, as declared by party luminary, Gopal Rai, on the midweek. Rai, who dons the dual hats of party stalwart and minister in the Kejriwal-led administration, articulated a clarion call for a nationwide abstention in defiance of the incarceration of the party’s national frontman.
“Should the apprehension of Delhi’s Premier be deemed reprehensible, then mark your calendars for April 7 and engage in a fast as an act of dissent. Such an act can transpire anywhere, be it within the confines of your domicile or amid the urban landscape,” he articulated. Rai further posited that the higher echelons of the party had been detained with the express intent of obliterating the very essence of AAP.
In a similar vein, Rai emphasized, “Come April 7, all ministers, legislative assembly members, parliamentary representatives, and party luminaries shall partake in a ‘Samuhik Upwas’ at Jantar Mantar, an emblematic gesture of defiance against the detention of CM Arvind Kejriwal. We extend an earnest appeal to the populace; those who abhor the detention of CM Arvind Kejriwal and espouse the tenets of democracy, and harbor a profound love for this nation, to likewise undertake a ‘Samuhik Upwas’ within the precincts of their abode.”
Kejriwal found himself in the clutches of the Enforcement Directorate the preceding month, ensnared in the web of a money laundering imbroglio linked to the exchequer’s policies. His custodial sentence endures until the ides of April.