In the district of Palghar, Maharashtra, a 22-year-old lady met her demise through strangulation purportedly orchestrated by her cohabiting companion after she persistently pressed him for matrimony. Law enforcement apprehended the alleged perpetrator, identified as Minazuddin Abdul Ajij Mulla, alias Ravindra Reddy, in West Bengal several days after the incident.
The discovery of the deceased woman, Anisha Barasta Khatun, transpired on March 15 within a rented space in Dahanu town, Palghar, where she resided with her partner, who subsequently went missing. Superintendent of Police Balasaheb Patil unveiled these details during a media briefing, asserting that the case initially appeared as an accidental death before post-mortem examinations unveiled signs of strangulation, leading to a murder investigation.
The investigative team, under the stewardship of Deputy Superintendent of Police Ankita Kanse, uncovered Mulla’s origins in West Bengal. Mulla, under the guise of Ravindra Reddy, secured lodging in Dahanu by portraying the victim as his spouse.
Neighborhood residents raised concerns about a putrid odor emanating from the couple’s abode, prompting the landlord to discover the victim’s decomposing remains within. Subsequent police efforts led to Mulla’s arrest in West Bengal after a week-long pursuit.
Additional Superintendent of Police Pankaj Shirsat disclosed that Mulla’s aversion to marriage served as the motive behind the heinous act. Mulla now faces police custody until April 2 following his arrest.