In the heart of New Delhi, where the sun blazes fiercely overhead, unfortunate news arrived on Friday. Odisha mourned its first casualty due to the unrelenting sun. This somber event coincided with the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) making its predictions known. According to their forecast, a wave of scorching heat is set to sweep across Odisha, Jharkhand, and Gangetic West Bengal over the next 48 hours.
The IMD’s insights unveil a concerning outlook: “Heat wave conditions shall manifest in select pockets of Odisha from the 20th to the 21st of April, encompassing Bihar, Jharkhand, and Gangetic West Bengal between the 20th and 24th of April, 2024.”
Additionally, the IMD cautions that “Severe Heat Wave conditions may also emerge in isolated pockets of Odisha on the 20th and Gangetic West Bengal during the period of 20th to 22nd April, 2024.”
Looking beyond, the IMD paints a picture of sweltering days ahead. Telangana braces for hot and humid conditions on the 20th and 21st of April. Coastal Andhra Pradesh & Yanam, Rayalaseema, and Telangana are not spared either, enduring similar weather from the 20th to the 22nd. The forecast extends to Kerala & Mahe, Sub-Himalayan West Bengal & Sikkim, expecting these regions to experience the heat between the 20th and 24th of April, 2024.
With South Peninsular India on the radar, residents are advised to ready themselves for the impending heatwave.
Turning our attention to the capital, Delhi, temperature records are being rewritten. Friday saw the mercury soar to 39.4°C, a notable three-notch surge from the seasonal norm. This stands as the highest recorded temperature for Delhi this summer thus far.
Looking ahead to Saturday, the weather bureau paints a picture of clear skies accompanied by robust surface winds during the day, gradually transitioning to a partly cloudy evening. The expected maximum temperature hovers around 39 degrees Celsius.
Peering into the future, the weather office foresees the mercury touching the 41-degree mark over the next week in Delhi, ensuring warmth persists.
The heatwave’s grip extends to other regions as well. Telangana, for instance, braces for heat wave conditions in select districts on Saturday, prompting health authorities to issue a “yellow heat wave alert.” The public is cautioned against outdoor activities, especially from noon to 3 pm.
On Friday, maximum temperatures in the range of 42-44°C enveloped Vidarbha, Marathwada, and Rayalaseema, extending to parts of Madhya Maharashtra, Telangana, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, and north Madhya Pradesh. The heat also made its presence felt, ranging from 40-42°C in sections of East Madhya Pradesh, East Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry & Karaikal, and in isolated spots over Bihar and West Madhya Pradesh.
Shifting focus to rainfall, the IMD’s predictions paint a contrasting picture. From Saturday until April 24, the northeastern states are set to witness widespread light to moderate rainfall. This includes Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, and Tripura.
Madhya Maharashtra and Marathwada are in line for light rainfall from Friday until April 22, while Konkan and Goa are slated to experience similar conditions on Saturday and Sunday.
Furthermore, Vidarbha and Chhattisgarh are likely to receive rainfall from Saturday to April 22, with Madhya Pradesh expecting showers on April 21 and 22.
The weather landscape, both in terms of scorching heat and sporadic rainfall, paints a challenging picture for the regions in its sway. As the days unfold, residents are urged to stay informed and prepared for the varying weather patterns ahead.