Kolkata (West Bengal): The Trinamool Congress (TMC), helmed by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, on Wednesday unveiled its manifesto for the ongoing Lok Sabha election. The manifesto outlines ambitions such as job creation, universal housing, and repealing the CAA, among other commitments. TMC aspires to implement an array of welfare schemes should the populace usher in a change at the central government level and secure a win for the opposition INDIA bloc in the current Lok Sabha polls.
TMC’s Rajya Sabha leader Derek O’Brien revealed the manifesto at the party’s headquarters, delineating the pledges the party intends to pursue when the INDIA bloc establishes governance at the Centre this year.
On X (formerly Twitter), TMC proclaimed: “Through #DidirShopoth, we vow to elevate every Indian with secured employment, all-encompassing housing, complimentary LPG cylinders, guaranteed MSP for farmers, scholarships for SC, ST, OBC students, and an abundance of other measures. Together, let’s displace the BJP Zamindars and carve a path toward a dignified existence for all!”
Elaborating on the party’s manifesto, senior TMC figure Amit Mitra stated that they would work to regulate fuel costs by creating a price stabilization fund. Furthermore, he affirmed that the TMC would strive to put an end to the National Register of Citizens (NRC) within the nation.
The manifesto also promised ten free LPG cylinders annually for BPL families and the doorstep delivery of ration provisions to eligible families. Despite parting ways with the INDIA bloc three months ago due to disagreements over seat-sharing in West Bengal, TMC continues to identify itself as part of the opposition alliance at the national level.