Preceding the Lok Sabha polls, the Congress has unveiled its eighth roster of contenders for Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana, and Jharkhand. In Jharkhand, Kalicharan Munda will vie for the Khunti constituency, Sukhdeo Bhagat for Lohardaga, and Jai Prakashbhai Patel for Hazaribagh.
Within Madhya Pradesh, Rao Yadvendra Singh shall contend against Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia, Tarvar Singh Lodhi for Damoh, and Pratap Bhanu Sharma against former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivaraj Singh Chouhan for the Vidisha Lok Sabha seat.
Telangana witnesses Athram Suguna’s nomination for Adilabad, Tatiparthi Jeevan Reddy for Nizamad, Neelam Madhu for Medak, and Chamala Kiran Kumar Reddy for Bhongir.
Uttar Pradesh sees the unveiling of four Congress nominees. Dolly Sharma secures the ticket from Ghaziabad, Shivram Valmiki from Bulandshahr, Nakul Dubey for Sitapur, and Virendra Chaudhary for Maharajganj.
The Congress issues its sixth catalog, encompassing five contenders for the Lok Sabha elections in Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu. Rajasthan presents four contenders and Tamil Nadu one.
In Rajasthan, Ramchandra Choudhary contends for the Ajmer Lok Sabha seat, Sudarshan Rawat for Rajsamand, Damodar Gurjar for Bhilwara, whereas Prahlad Gunjal challenges Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla in the Kota constituency.
Rajasthan hosts 25 parliamentary constituencies, voting in two phases. Phase 1 (April 19) entails polling for 12 seats, with the remaining 13 in the second phase (April 26). In Tamil Nadu, C Robert Bruce vies on a Congress ticket for the Tirunelveli constituency.
Tamil Nadu conducts voting across all 39 Lok Sabha seats on April 19. The Congress additionally announces Tharahai Cuthbert’s candidacy for the Vilavancode constituency bye-election in Tamil Nadu. Earlier, the Congress unveiled the fifth catalog of three contenders for the impending Lok Sabha elections, nominating Pratap Singh Khachariyawas for Jaipur, in lieu of Sunil Sharma as previously declared.
The election for 543 Lok Sabha seats spans seven phases, commencing April 19. Approximately 97 crore voters are eligible to cast ballots in the general election. The Congress announces candidates for 190 constituencies, while the BJP discloses contenders for 402 Lok Sabha seats thus far.
Vote counting is scheduled for June 4. In the 2019 Lok Sabha election, the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) secured 303 seats, with the Indian National Congress (INC) attaining 52 seats. In the 2014 Lok Sabha election, the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) clinched 282 seats, while the Indian National Congress (INC) managed merely 44 seats.