In the vibrant city of Bhubaneswar, a delegation from the Election Commission of India (ECI), spearheaded by its esteemed chief, Rajiv Kumar, engaged in discussions on electoral preparedness in Odisha. The rendezvous included dialogues with representatives from diverse political entities, district collectors, and officials, constituting a pivotal discourse in the democratic landscape.
Within the meeting’s ambit, the commission actively sought insights and apprehensions from representatives of both national and regional parties. The primary focus revolved around the meticulous adherence to the election Model Code of Conduct (MCC) and the facilitation of a seamlessly orchestrated electoral process. Every political entity seized the opportunity to articulate their perspectives and concerns before the commission, fostering an atmosphere of democratic exchange, as reported by an official privy to the proceedings.
Post the deliberations, Santrupt Misra, the national spokesperson for the BJD, articulated to the press that they implored the ECI to give due consideration to their viewpoints before making decisions on opposition parties’ grievances in the lead-up to the forthcoming Lok Sabha and state polls. Additionally, the party urged the ECI to ensure the unimpeded implementation of ongoing welfare initiatives and projects prior to the activation of the model code of conduct.
Purna Chandra Mallick, representing the BJP at the meeting, presented a formal plea to the commission, addressing their concerns about alleged booth rigging by the BJD during elections. Meanwhile, Congress leader Sibananda Ray underscored the paramount importance of conducting a free and equitable election. He called upon the commission to take proactive measures to curtail the influx of illicit funds, emphasizing the strict enforcement of the Supreme Court’s verdict on electoral bonds.
Ray alleged the unjust removal of numerous individuals from the voters’ list without prior notice and urged the commission to promptly redress this matter. Furthermore, the commission engaged in comprehensive discussions with district collectors-cum-district election officers and other officials tasked with overseeing the electoral process in the state.
Various facets were scrutinized, encompassing the preparedness of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs), the demographic composition of voters, the training status of election personnel, and the infrastructural setup at polling stations. In attendance alongside Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar were Election Commissioner Arun Goel, Senior Deputy Election Commissioner Dharmender Sharma, and Senior Deputy Election Commissioner Nitesh Kumar Vyas. The meeting also witnessed the presence of Chief Electoral Officer of Odisha Nikunja Bihari Dhal and Additional CEO N Thirumala Naik.