Tragedy struck the heart of Devbhumi Dwarka as a family of four, including a tender infant, succumbed to asphyxiation in the wake of a devastating fire that engulfed their home in Gujarat’s Devbhumi Dwarka district on a fateful Sunday, revealed authorities.
The inferno ignited at the dawn’s cusp, around 3:30 am, seizing the first floor of their dwelling nestled along Aditya Road in Dwarka city, while the family slumbered, recounted Police Inspector TC Patel.
Trapped amidst the flames’ fury, the family groped in the darkness, disoriented by the sudden blackout caused by the conflagration’s wrath, lamented Patel.
Responding swiftly to the distress call, firefighting personnel stormed the scene, only to discover a harrowing tableau – a couple, their cherubic 8-month-old daughter, and the patriarch’s venerable mother, unconscious, ensnared by the smoke-laden embrace of the inferno’s lair on the first floor.
Rushed to the sanctuary of a government hospital, hope dwindled as medical sages declared their arrival in vain, confirmed the somber official. Meanwhile, the patriarch’s maternal grandmother, sheltered in a haven on the ground floor, emerged unscathed from the nightmarish ordeal, divulged Patel.
Speculation veils the genesis of the fire, with suspicions veering towards an air conditioner’s explosive demise amidst rampant overheating, elucidated officials. Forensic savants have been summoned to unravel the cryptic enigma shrouding the inferno’s origins, they revealed.
The fallen, once vibrant souls, now inhabit the realm of memory – Pawan Upadhyay (39), his beloved spouse Tithi (29), their angelic progeny Dhyana, and the matriarch Bhavaniben (69).