Amidst the bustling streets of New Delhi, the Delhi Fire Services (DFS) have announced their intention to carry out unanticipated inspections at medical facilities, aiming to scrutinize fire safety protocols and precautionary measures, particularly in anticipation of the scorching summer months.
This decision by the Delhi Fire Services follows a collaborative effort between the Department of Health & Family Welfare and the National Disaster Management Authority, who jointly penned a missive addressed to various States and Union Territories, emphasizing the critical nature of fire safety in hospitals during the sweltering summer season.
The missive emphasizes the imperative for State Health Departments and State Disaster Management Authorities to foster close cooperation, ensuring that all accredited hospitals within their purview promptly undertake necessary measures, including but not limited to rigorous inspections, assessments of electrical load capacities, and acquisition of Fire No Objection Certificates (NOCs).
“At the helm of these surprise inspections shall be the fire department, diligently scrutinizing the fire safety apparatus and the operational status of vital equipment within hospital premises,” remarked Atul Garg, the Director of Delhi Fire Services, in an interview with ETV Bharat.
Elucidating further on the subject of fire safety in medical facilities, Garg iterated the necessity for adherence to established fire safety norms. “Additionally, our endeavors shall encompass the dissemination of awareness regarding fire safety protocols, aiming to preempt any untoward incidents,” he added.
The missive also delineates a series of immediate actions to be undertaken, advocating for comprehensive fire safety audits and onsite evaluations across all hospitals to ascertain compliance with fire safety standards. The recommendations encompass verification of fire-fighting systems’ functionality, encompassing fire alarms, smoke detectors, extinguishers, hydrants, and lifts, alongside the rectification of electrical load deficiencies. Hospitals are urged to meticulously adhere to regulatory prerequisites and secure valid NOCs from their respective state fire departments.
“A comprehensive blueprint delineating requisite steps and measures to ensure fire safety compliance has been provided. We strongly advocate for the dissemination of this guidance among all accredited hospitals, coupled with diligent follow-up assessments to ensure adherence,” the missive asserts.
Emphasizing the imperatives for fire safety within medical premises, governmental directives highlight the need for operational fire-fighting systems, routine maintenance, and testing procedures, oxygen safety protocols, installation of smoke detection systems and fire alarms, stringent controls over combustible materials, and unwavering adherence to the National Building Code.