In anticipation of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, former representative Elangbam Chand Singh of Yaiskul, along with Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) figure Sagolsem Achouba Singh, Advocate Oinam Hemanta Singh, and Thoudam Debadatta Singh, have shifted their allegiances to the Congress.
The announcement regarding their transition was declared during a welcoming event held at the Congress Bhawan in Imphal, Manipur, on Monday. Angomcha Bimol Akoijam, the Congress nominee for the Lok Sabha elections, greeted the new additions to the party. In his address to the audience, Akoijam emphasized the significance of selecting candidates based on a genuine dedication to the betterment of Manipur, rather than yielding to external pressures such as monetary or physical influence.
He further emphasized the necessity for citizens to make well-informed choices that uphold the unity and integrity of the state. Akoijam remarked, “Manipur has a storied history of defending its integrity, with numerous movements launched throughout the years to safeguard its distinctiveness.” He continued, “However, we are now facing a pivotal moment where the essence of Manipur is in jeopardy of being diluted. It is imperative for every citizen to come together and shield Manipur from any threats to its integrity.”
Drawing attention to the present circumstances in Manipur, Akoijam lamented the constraints faced by the state’s inhabitants, underscoring the need for change. “As natives of Manipur, we find ourselves restricted in freely navigating our own terrain, a circumstance that cannot be allowed to endure,” he affirmed. Notably, a segment of Manipur (Outer Manipur) is scheduled to participate in the elections in the second phase on April 26, 2024.
The announcement for elections in the Outer Manipur Parliamentary Constituency was included in the gazette notification released for phase 1. “Fifteen Assembly Constituencies (ACs) in Outer Manipur PC will participate in the polls on April 19, 2024 (Phase 1), and thirteen ACs in this PC will participate in the polls on April 26, 2024 .”