In an unprecedented and singular celebration, male participants don the attire traditionally reserved for females as they engage in worship. This distinctive event, known as the ‘Chamayavilakku’ festival, unfolds at the revered Kottankulangara Sree Devi Temple situated in the Kollam district of Kerala.
Commencing on Saturday, March 24th, this annual festival spans two days, concluding on Sunday evening following the completion of customary rituals. It involves the ceremonial shaving of mustaches by men, who then don women’s garments, adorn themselves with ornate jewelry, apply intricate makeup, and proceed with processions illuminated by lamps. This elaborate display serves as a reverent offering to the goddess, expressing gratitude for answered prayers.
Legend holds that a cohort of men, traditionally tasked with cattle herding, assumed the guise of females to present floral tributes to a sacred stone, thus establishing a precedent. The temple’s inaugural worship ceremony was conducted by these men, solidifying the tradition as an annual spectacle. Presently, adherents of all ages converge upon the temple grounds each year, clad in feminine attire and wielding lamps, in a bid to garner favor from the divine.
An alternate legend surrounding the Kottankulangara Devi temple and the Chamayavilakku festival recounts the exploits of a group of youths playing near a stone. During one such encounter, the children attempted to crack a coconut against the stone, prompting an unexpected occurrence: the stone began to exude blood. Alarmed, the children hastened to inform their families of the extraordinary event.
Subsequently, the concerned families summoned nearby clergy to investigate. Upon inspecting the site, the local priests identified the stone as imbued with the divine essence of ‘Vanadurga,’ a deity. They recommended the construction of a temple in homage to this revelation. The festival now unfolds annually on the tenth and eleventh days of the Malayalam month ‘Meenam.’
Though some devotees receive sartorial assistance from their kin, a designated grooming area is established adjacent to the temple in the days leading up to the festivities, facilitating the preparation and transformation of select participants.