Amidst New Delhi’s environs, Prime Minister Narendra Modi reflected upon the profound self-denial observed on Good Friday, underscoring its pivotal lessons in empathy and absolution.
“On this day of remembrance, Good Friday, we deeply contemplate the profound renunciation exemplified by Jesus Christ. May the enduring teachings of empathy and absolution resonate within each soul,” articulated Prime Minister Modi through his post on X.
Good Friday, a day suffused with solemnity, witnesses a tapestry of prayers and processions across the nation, portraying the poignant narrative of the ‘stations of the cross.’ In the verdant landscapes of Kerala, faithful devotees traverse with wooden crucifixes symbolizing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ towards the venerable Saint Joseph’s Cathedral in Palayam. As the sun wanes, churches across the state reverberate with Good Friday services, a prelude to the dawn of Easter Sunday.
The Sacred Heart Cathedral Church in the heart of the capital witnessed devout supplications offered in reverence. Father Jolly, a venerable clergyman from the CBCI Centre, Headquarters of the Catholic Bishops Conference of India in Delhi, expounded upon the profound significance of ‘Good Friday’ within Christian doctrine.
In conversation with ANI, Father Jolly articulated, “Good Friday commemorates the universal solemnity amongst Christians, as we solemnly recall the passion and crucifixion of our blessed Savior, Jesus Christ. It is a day of solemn remembrance, guiding us to empathetically journey alongside the agonies and martyrdom of Christ on the cross. Through this sacred observance, we sanctify our beings, our homes, and purify our souls, aligning our existence with the divine essence of Christ.”
“We delve into the sacred scriptures, immersing ourselves in passages depicting the anguish and martyrdom of our venerated Savior on this hallowed day. Additionally, we engage in fervent meditation upon the sufferings endured by Christ, venerating the cross as a symbol of profound sacrifice,” he elucidated further.
Across Thiruvananthapuram’s labyrinthine streets, devotees partook in the ‘stations of the cross’ procession towards the revered Saint Joseph’s Cathedral in Palayam. In Kolkata, the Christian faithful embarked on a reverent procession from the Mother House to Saint Teresa’s Church, offering solemn prayers in homage to Good Friday.
The ‘stations of the cross’ serve as a poignant testament to the arduous tribulations endured by Christ as he bore the weight of the cross on Good Friday. Rooted in history, the narrative surrounding ‘Good Friday’ recounts the betrayal of Jesus by his disciple, Judas, culminating in his apprehension by the Roman authorities.
Pontius Pilate, the procurator of the Roman province of Judea, pronounced the fateful edict of Jesus’ crucifixion, compelling him to bear the cross through the labyrinthine alleys of Jerusalem, culminating in the hallowed grounds of Calvary. Subsequent to the somber observance of ‘Good Friday’ arises the jubilant celebration of ‘Easter,’ heralding the miraculous resurrection of Jesus on the third day following his crucifixion.