
Amidst the urban landscape of New Delhi, an establishment proprietor, aged 32, met his demise at the hands of unidentified perpetrators in the northeastern district of New Usmanpur, as revealed by authorities on Wednesday.

Sanjay Singh, entangled in a prior homicide inquiry, fell victim to aggression in close proximity to his residence while journeying back from his eatery during the transitional phase between Tuesday and Wednesday.

The discovery of Singh, wounded and prone, on the thoroughfare was made by a comrade, who promptly alerted the victim’s sibling Nitin, a purveyor of dairy products, as relayed by a law enforcement official.

Swiftly responding to the notification, Nitin arrived at the scene only to find Singh submerged in a crimson puddle adjacent to the Hanuman Mandir Wali Gali service path, suffering from injuries to the cranium, right scapula, elbow, and midsection. Subsequently, Singh was conveyed to Jag Pravesh Chandra Hospital, where medical professionals pronounced him deceased upon arrival, as per police accounts.

Forensic examination of the site yielded the recovery of seven spent cartridge casings, four lead fragments, and a solitary live 7.65 mm round. Additionally, it was disclosed by an official that Singh had been embroiled in the demise of an individual named Ravinder, who happened to reside within the same vicinity.

Investigative endeavors are currently underway to ascertain the identities of Singh’s assailants, with scrutiny of surveillance footage from nearby CCTV cameras forming an integral part of the process, the official elucidated, underscoring the comprehensive nature of the inquiry.