Dehradun: The electoral contest unfolds as former BJP Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat and Congress’s state vice-president Virender Rawat vie for victory in the Haridwar Lok Sabha seat during the initial phase of polls that commenced on April 19.
In contrast, former Chief Minister Harish Rawat cast his ballot at the Government Girls Higher Secondary School in the Majra area of the Dharampur Assembly constituency. Following his vote, questioning the voting mechanism and accusing officials of abusing governmental resources during the electoral process. He noted that the populace appears poised for change and eager to vote for progress.
Harish Rawat confidently proclaimed that Congress would triumph in all five Lok Sabha seats in Uttarakhand, suggesting that the enthusiasm for a shift in governance bodes well for significant victories for Congress candidates. He further scrutinized the voting procedures.
Harish Rawat expressed concern over the alleged misuse of government apparatus at numerous polling locations, particularly where Dalit and minority communities cast their votes. He lamented that officials at these polling stations were intentionally causing delays, resulting in some voters leaving without casting their ballots. A formal complaint was submitted to the Election Commission on his behalf regarding this matter. He emphasized that such actions amount to an offense, and the individuals involved should face consequences for their conduct.