In New Delhi, the condition of Delhi’s Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal, has been swiftly declining since his apprehension on March 21st, as asserted by senior AAP figure Atishi on Wednesday. She has accused the BJP of jeopardizing his well-being by detaining him. However, the management of Tihar jail, where Kejriwal is currently detained until April 15th, has refuted these allegations. A high-ranking official from Tihar jail stated that Kejriwal’s vital signs remain within the normal range.
Kejriwal was apprehended by the Enforcement Directorate in connection to a case involving money laundering linked to excise policies. He has been remanded to judicial custody until April 15th. “Arvind Kejriwal ji suffers from severe diabetes. Despite his health challenges, he has been tirelessly serving the nation around the clock. Since his detention, Kejriwal’s weight has diminished by 4.5 kilograms. This is deeply concerning. The BJP is jeopardizing his health by confining him,” she alleged in a post on X in Hindi.
“If any harm befalls Arvind Kejriwal, it would not only be a grave loss to the entire nation but even divine forgiveness may be withheld,” she further added. The Delhi Chief Minister has been granted permission to consume home-cooked meals while in Tihar jail. On Tuesday morning, Kejriwal’s blood sugar levels were low. Tihar jail medical staff monitored him closely as his blood sugar levels continued to fluctuate, as officials have reported.