In Shahpura, a trio of young individuals perished whilst endeavoring to rescue a pair of creatures from a well within a village in the Rajasthan region, as per statements from local authorities. There is speculation that the demise of the three may have occurred due to inhalation of a noxious substance.
The incident unfolded during the nocturnal hours on Monday in the confines of Arani village, situated within the jurisdiction of the Shahpura police station. Upon receiving notification, a contingent of police personnel promptly arrived at the scene, and with the aid of villagers, the lifeless bodies of the trio were extricated from the depths of the well last evening.
Mahavir Prasad Sharma, the officer-in-charge at Shahpura police station, divulged that the mishap ensued subsequent to two animals inadvertently plunging into the well the previous evening. At that juncture, several youths were in close proximity. In a valiant attempt to rescue the imperiled creatures, five young individuals consecutively descended into the well. While two of them successfully extricated themselves, the remaining three became ensnared and succumbed to the pernicious fumes they inadvertently inhaled.
The mortal remains of the deceased have been transferred to the mortuary of Shahpura District Hospital for post-mortem examination, which is slated to be conducted today. The departed individuals have been identified as Shankar Lal Mali, Dhanraj Mali, and Kamlesh Mali.
“Prima facie evidence suggests that the demise of the trio may have been precipitated by exposure to toxic gases. Investigations are currently underway, and the kin of the deceased have been duly notified,” Sharma affirmed.