
In an unfortunate turn of events, a 24-year-old student from Haryana, identified as Chirag Antil, met a tragic end when he was shot and killed by unknown assailants in Vancouver, Canada.

The Vancouver Police confirmed the incident occurred at around 11 p.m. local time on April 12. Chirag was found deceased inside a vehicle in a residential area after the community heard gunfire. “No arrests have been made thus far, and the investigation is ongoing,” the statement from the police noted.

Chirag Antil had traveled to Vancouver from Sonipat in Haryana on a study visa in 2022 to pursue an MBA. He had since completed his degree and was gainfully employed. His family has reached out to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar for assistance in securing justice and arranging the repatriation of his remains.

Varun Choudhary, president of the National Students Union of India (NSUI), shared a screenshot of an email from the Vancouver police to Chirag’s brother Ronit, informing him of the murder. “Your brother Chirag Antil…was killed at approximately 11:00 pm local time on East 55th Avenue,” the email read. “The investigation is still in its early stages, and we will be collecting evidence. An autopsy will be performed next week, after which the body will be released for transportation back to India.”

According to reports, Ronit mentioned having a conversation with his brother earlier in the day, noting Chirag’s cheerful demeanor. Chirag was shot while in his Audi. “We spoke with the police officer who provided us with this news, but details remain unclear as to how this transpired. We seek justice and appeal to PM Modi and Jaishankar,” Ronit was quoted as saying. At least 11 Indians, including students, have lost their lives in the neighboring United States since the start of the year.