In anticipation of the imminent Lok Sabha and Assembly elections, the Election Commission of India has unveiled directives governing the apportionment of telecast and broadcast time for political entities on Doordarshan (DD) and All India Radio (AIR).
As per the edict promulgated by the electoral body, “only six National Parties and 59 State Parties which currently hold recognition as such National or State Parties, under the auspices of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968..” will qualify for access to the telecast and broadcast provisions.
This provision shall not extend to registered-unrecognized political factions or any independent contenders.
The allotment of airtime on DD and AIR has been explicitly delineated by the Election Commission. As per the electoral body, National Parties will be entitled to a minimum of 10 hours of telecasting time on the National channel of Doordarshan, coupled with a minimum of 15 hours on Regional Doordarshan Kendras and AIR Stations.
State-based Parties will be granted a total of 30 hours of telecasting time on Regional DD Kendras and AIR Stations.
Regarding All India Radio (AIR), “a total of not less than 10 hours of broadcasting time on the National hookup of the All India Radio for broadcasts by the National Parties” along with 15 hours of broadcasting time on the regional Air Stations, for broadcasts by the National Parties.
Each National and State party shall be apportioned time for telecasts over Doordarshan and broadcasts on All India Radio on several metrics.
For National Parties, 45 minutes will be assigned to each party on the National channel/hookup of DD/AIR. The remainder of the time will be distributed among the National Parties based on the percentage of votes garnered in the preceding General Election in 2019.
Similarly, State Parties will receive 25 minutes each on DD and AIR, with the remaining time distributed among them based on the percentage of votes secured in the last preceding general election in 2019. Moreover, parties will be issued digital time vouchers of varying denominations ranging from 1 to 5 minutes, affording them flexibility in utilizing their allocated time.
In accordance with the Guidelines for observance in Telecasts/Broadcasts, the electoral body shall disallow Criticism of foreign nations, assaults on religious or communal entities, anything lascivious or defamatory, incitement of violence, anything amounting to contempt of court, aspersions against the integrity of the President and Judiciary, anything impinging upon the unity, sovereignty, and integrity of the Nation, and any direct criticism of any individual by name.
In addition to the aforementioned Party telecasts/broadcasts, the Prasar Bharati Corporation may orchestrate a maximum of two national panel discussions/debates on the national channel of Doordarshan and All India Radio.
Each nationally recognized Party is entitled to nominate one representative to such programs. The ECI shall sanction the names of moderators for such panel discussions and debates in consultation with the Prasar Bharati Corporation.
In States where Assembly elections are concomitantly held, analogous debates and panel discussions may be arranged from the Regional Kendras of Doordarshan and All India Radio for elections to the respective State Assemblies.
In these programs, the pertinent State recognized parties shall be permitted to participate.