Amidst the political landscape of Amaravati, the Kadapa Lok Sabha enclave in Andhra Pradesh prepares for an intense electoral clash, as the state’s Congress chief, YS Sharmila, gears up to challenge her cousin, the incumbent YSRCP MP, YS Avinash Reddy. Avinash Reddy finds himself embroiled in the murder allegations concerning the former minister and Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy’s uncle, Vivekananda Reddy, sibling to the late former chief minister, YS Rajasekhar Reddy.
Kadapa holds substantial historical significance for the YS dynasty, having been represented by Jagan, YS Rajasekhar Reddy, and Vivekananda Reddy on numerous occasions over several decades. The emergence of Sharmila as a contender in Kadapa signifies the escalation of familial discord into a fully-fledged political showdown.
Having commenced her political journey in Telangana, Sharmila amalgamated her faction, YSR Telangana Party, into the Congress and relocated to Andhra Pradesh, where she assumed leadership of the state unit. The unresolved controversy surrounding Vivekananda Reddy’s demise on March 15, 2019, just ahead of the assembly elections, continues to loom large, with the case presently under adjudication in a CBI Court in Hyderabad.
Sharmila has thrown her support behind Sunitha Narreddy, Vivekananda Reddy’s daughter, in her pursuit of justice for her father’s untimely demise. Meanwhile, Jagan has leveled accusations against TDP supremo N Chandrababu Naidu, alleging his involvement in fomenting dissent amongst his siblings. Subsequent to Sunitha’s plea, the Supreme Court transferred the case to Telangana. Both Sharmila and Sunitha have raised allegations of Jagan shielding the accused in the case.
In declaring her candidacy for the Kadapa Lok Sabha seat, Sharmila acknowledged the gravity of her decision, recognizing its potential to further fracture her family. “I am entering the fray as the Kadapa MP contender. YSR’s (Y S Rajasekhar Reddy) daughter is in the running. This decision weighs heavily upon me, knowing its ramifications on familial ties,” she articulated.
While affirming her lack of animosity towards her elder brother Jagan, Sharmila insinuated a transformation in his demeanor post assuming office as CM. Implicitly critiquing Avinash Reddy, she condemned Jagan’s endorsement of individuals embroiled in Vivekananda Reddy’s demise for the Kadapa MP ticket, a stance she vehemently opposes. The TDP has nominated C Bhupesh Reddy as its candidate for the seat.