In New Delhi, KT Rama Rao, the working president of Bharat Rashtriya Samithi (BRS), took a satirical dig at Kangana Ranaut, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) nominee from the Mandi seat in Himachal Pradesh for the Lok Sabha elections, following her assertion that Netaji Subash Chandra Bose was “India’s first Prime Minister.”
On a certain platform, KTR remarked, “One BJP aspirant from the northern region claims Subash Chandra Bose held the first PM post!! And another BJP figure from the southern region suggests Mahatma Gandhi occupied the PM role!! Where did these individuals receive their education?”
During a televised interview, the actress-turned-politician pondered, “Consider this, when India attained independence, where was Netaji Subash Chandra Bose, our inaugural PM?” Kangana’s assertion was echoed by Congress leader Supriya Shrinate who commented, “Do not underestimate her – she could rise in the ranks of BJP leadership.”
Kangana had previously faced widespread criticism when she asserted that India truly gained independence only after Modi assumed the role of prime minister in 2014. On 24th March, Kangana Ranaut was named as one of 111 BJP candidates for the Lok Sabha elections. In a social media post, Ranaut, a staunch supporter of the BJP and PM Modi, expressed her gratitude at being selected by the national leadership of the BJP.
Expressing unwavering support for both my beloved nation Bharat and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the national leadership of the BJP has now announced my candidacy for the Lok Sabha elections from my birthplace, the Mandi constituency in Himachal Pradesh. Voting in Himachal Pradesh is scheduled to take place on June 1 for four seats.
Historically, the Mandi Lok Sabha constituency has been predominantly contested by royal families, with their descendants emerging victorious in 13 out of 19 elections, including two by-elections. Between 2009 and 2021, there have been three general elections and two by-elections for the Mandi seat. Congress has maintained a substantial presence, winning thrice.
Virbhadra Singh secured victory in the general elections of 2009, while Congress candidate Pratibha Singh clinched the by-elections in 2013 and 2021, representing Mandi in the Parliament. In the parliamentary elections of 2014 and 2019, BJP emerged triumphant with Ram Swaroop Sharma as the elected Member of Parliament on both occasions.
However, tragedy struck in 2021 with the unfortunate demise of Ram Swaroop Sharma by suicide. Consequently, in the by-elections of 2021, Pratibha Singh of the Congress secured victory for the seat. Presently, BJP holds three out of the four Lok Sabha seats.