
Amidst the bustling streets of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, a wave of protest sweeps through the Kshatriya community, stirred by the contentious remarks of Rajkot Lok Sabha BJP candidate Parushottam Rupala. In a call to action, Karni Sena president Raj Shekhawat rallies Kshatriyas to converge upon the BJP’s Kamalam office at 2 pm today, brandishing saffron flags and sturdy staffs. However, the fervor is dampened as Shekhawat finds himself swiftly apprehended upon arrival at Ahmedabad airport.

In a daring declaration, Raj Shekhawat hints at self-immolation, vowing to make his stand at Kamalam, the regional bastion of the Gandhinagar Bharatiya Janata Party unit, armed with a saffron standard and resolute resolve. Urging widespread participation, he issues a rallying cry, “Security is tightened at Ahmedabad Airport. Should I or my Kshatriya brethren face obstruction, I shall take the ultimate step,” he solemnly declares.

Promptly responding to intelligence of Shekhawat’s intent, law enforcement detains him upon his arrival at Ahmedabad airport, heightening vigilance across the police force. Tensions simmer within the Kshatriya community, disillusioned by the BJP’s decision to uphold Purushottam Rupala’s candidacy for the Rajkot Lok Sabha seat.

Restlessness pervades the Kshatriya ranks, prompting assertive measures as police presence swells to prevent any potential unrest. With directives issued to the state government, BJP leadership, and law enforcement agencies to remain on high alert, anticipation mounts in the wake of the Kshatriya community’s looming protest at the BJP office. Surveillance intensifies as authorities closely monitor the movements of Kshatriya Samaj and Karni Sena activists throughout Ahmedabad.