New Delhi: On Wednesday, the Directorate of Vigilance (DOV) dismissed Bibhav Kumar, the personal aide to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, labeling his engagement as “unlawful and void.”
Previously, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) summoned Bibhav for interrogation concerning the ongoing liquor scam investigation. His identity surfaced alongside Kejriwal’s family on the roster of individuals who visited Arvind Kejriwal, currently incarcerated in Tihar Jail.
In a five-page decree by YVVJ Rajasekhar, special secretary of the Department of Vigilance, Kumar’s immediate removal was mandated. The decree cited infringements of Central Civil Service guidelines during Kumar’s hiring.
The DOV declared that the established process and regulations for appointing Bibhav Kumar were not adhered to in an ethical manner. The Enforcement Directorate, delving into the liquor scandal, questioned Kejriwal’s aide, Bibhav Kumar, on Monday. Reliable sources claim that Kumar’s testimony is being cataloged under the frameworks of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).
According to the ED’s legal document, Bibhav’s mobile phone’s International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) had undergone alteration four times between September 2021 and July 2022. Earlier in February, the agency conducted a 16-hour search at Kejriwal’s secretary’s residence.
Subsequent to these events, Kejriwal castigated the ED, alleging the agency’s actions were driven by ‘malicious intent.’ Regarding the ED’s sweep of Kumar’s home, the Delhi CM remarked on the deployment of 23 ED agents for the 16-hour probe, which ultimately yielded no substantial findings. Kejriwal criticized the ED’s operations as retaliatory, claiming an agenda to dismantle the AAP.