In a recent development in Patna, Lalu Yadav, the former Chief Minister of Bihar and current national president of Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), found himself on the receiving end of a permanent warrant from the Gwalior police, relating to a 27-year-old case.
The Gwalior Police wasted no time and promptly set out for Patna upon the issuance of the arrest warrant by the MP-MLA Court of Madhya Pradesh. Seeking collaboration, they reached out to the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) in Patna, underlining the necessity of mutual cooperation in this matter.
This legal saga traces its origins back to 1997 when an arms store operator, Pravesh Kumar Chaturvedi, lodged a complaint against Rajkumar Sharma, the proprietor of an arms store in Mahoba, Uttar Pradesh. Allegations centered around the illicit sale of arms, purportedly sourced from a Gwalior-based firm and trafficked to Bihar.
The complaint implicated 23 individuals, including Lalu Prasad Yadav. However, ambiguity surrounds Lalu Prasad’s status as Bihar’s Chief Minister at the time of the alleged offense. Despite a permanent warrant issued against him years ago, Lalu Prasad’s legal standing remains enigmatic.