In a tale spanning states and hearts, a young man hailing from Gujarat found his heart entwined with a maiden from Chhattisgarh’s Kanker. The narrative unfolds on May 24, as the lad, accompanied by his comrade, ventures into the realm of his beloved’s village, with the intent to whisk her away. As fate would have it, the trio embarks on a hasty escape astride a motorbike.
Yet, as whispers travel fast in tight-knit communities, the villagers and kinfolk catch wind of their flight and commence pursuit. Amidst the chase, amidst the lush surroundings of Lilejhar, within the jurisdiction of the Charama police station, misfortune strikes, sending the trio tumbling from their steed. While the girl’s family intervenes and retrieves her, the lad and his companion find refuge in the sanctuary of a nearby hospital.
Meanwhile, in another corner of Gujarat, Umesh Bhamre, a lad with a penchant for virtual realms, finds himself ensnared in the web of online gaming. Destiny weaves its intricate patterns as he encounters a damsel from Potgaon, nestled within the folds of the Kankar district. Thus begins a tale of digital dialogues that blossom into the sweet bloom of affection.
Eleven moons wax and wane, and the siren call of love beckons Umesh to his paramour’s abode, a distant hamlet some 1400 kilometers away. With his faithful companion Krishna Bhise by his side, Umesh sets forth on a journey, veiled beneath the pretext of familial pilgrimage to Ujjain.
Arriving at Potgaon on that fateful May eve, Umesh’s rendezvous with destiny propels him, Krishna, and the maiden into flight upon their trusty steed. But destiny is a capricious mistress, and the specter of tragedy looms large as pursuers, fueled by familial fervor, bear down upon them. The clash of metal against asphalt heralds calamity, leaving Umesh with grievous wounds and Krishna with a fractured limb.
In the aftermath, amidst the haze of pain and the pall of unconsciousness, the maiden’s plaintive cries fall upon deaf ears. Her kin arrive, whisking her away to safety, while the stricken duo awaits aid, their fate now entwined with the mercy of hospital walls.
As the wheels of authority turn, the tale finds its denouement in the precincts of Charama police station. A solemn officer, Dileshwar Chandravanshi, solemnly acknowledges the incident, promising scrutiny into its depths.
And amidst it all, Umesh’s voice rises above the tumult, a plaintive plea for love and liberation, vowing to defy the odds and bring his beloved to the sanctuary of Surat, away from the shadows that threaten to engulf her.