
In the heart of New Delhi, amidst the bustling corridors of Nangloi Metro Station, a somber incident unfolded on Thursday morning. A member of the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Constable Shahre Kishore, tragically took his own life using his service rifle, the echoes of the event reverberating around 7 am.

The lifeless form of Constable Kishore was discovered in close proximity to the X-ray baggage scanner, a stark reminder of the fragility of human existence. Having dedicated his service to the CISF since 2014, his untimely demise has left a void in the hearts of his colleagues and loved ones.

Preliminary inquiries into this harrowing event suggest that Constable Kishore, entrusted with the duty of safeguarding the Delhi Metro, succumbed to despair, resorting to the ultimate act of self-harm. Both the paramilitary force and the Delhi Police have initiated a thorough investigation, seeking answers amidst the shadows cast by this tragic loss.