In India, the prices of gold and silver have surged to unprecedented levels, reaching over Rs 71,000 per 10 grams for gold and Rs 84,000 per kilogram for silver on Monday. This year, gold has been consistently hitting new highs, driven by its reputation as a safe haven for Indian investors. According to data compiled by bullion exchanges, gold prices have seen a substantial increase of Rs 7,700 per 10 grams, with a notable jump of Rs 350 per 10 grams observed on Monday alone.
On the same day, silver prices experienced a notable climb, reaching a fresh peak of Rs 84,500 per kilogram in the Delhi bullion market, as reported by Good Returns.
In Delhi, the price of 24-carat gold stood at Rs 71,770, marking an increase of Rs 330 per 10 grams compared to the previous day’s closing rate of Rs 71,440 per 10 grams.
For 22-carat gold, the price for 10 grams rose to Rs 65,800, witnessing a surge of Rs 300 per 10 grams from the previous closing rate of Rs 65,500 per 10 grams.
Similarly, the price for 18-carat gold per 10 grams reached Rs 53,840, showing an increase of Rs 250 from its previous closing rate of Rs 53,590 per 10 grams.
In both Delhi and Mumbai, the price of one kilogram of silver was recorded at Rs 84,500, slightly edging higher in Chennai at Rs 84,800 per kilogram.
Good Returns data highlights a significant upward trend in silver prices in India, rising from Rs 78,000 per kilogram on March 30 to Rs 84,500 in the span of the last 10 days. During this period, silver prices remained steady on two occasions, declined once, and saw an increase in seven sessions.